Speedy Root has been specially developed to recover depleted soils after periods of intensive use or poor management. It is a 100% soluble organo-mineral fertilizer and soil conditioner, perfect for preventing soil erosion and improving root development.
Speedy Root provides soils with a large amount of organic matter to improve soil conditions, as well as free amino acids and a range of chelated macro and micronutrients to feed plants. In addition, Speedy Root contains a powerful rooting agent to enhance the effect of all its components.


Organic Nitrogen (N)  3,00%
Phosphorus (P205) water soluble  3,00%
Potassium (K2O) water soluble 16,00%
Iron (Fe) LS*- water-soluble complex 18,00%
Free amino acids 0,10%
Water-soluble EDDHA chelated Iron (Fe) 0,10%
Manganese (Mn) LS*-water-soluble complex 0,20%
Water soluble Molybdenum (Mo) 0,25%
Zinc (Zn) LS*-water-soluble complex 0,20%
Total amino acids 15,76%
Total amino acids 15,30%


  • Improves soil and prevents erosion.
  • Regenerates and improves soil microbiota.
  • Reduces plant stress.
  • Promotes nutrient cycling and absorption.
  • Prevents soil deficiencies in trace element nutrients.
  • Increases yield and profitability.


  • General dosage: 4-8 kg per acre. Apply throughout the crop cycle.
  • Horticultural crops: flowers: 800 gr – 1.6 kg per acre. Make 2-4 applications. Apply after planting or transplanting, during the early stages of the crop and during the whole cycle.
  • Fruit and citrus trees: 800 g – 1.6 kg per acre. Make 2-4 applications. Apply after planting, during the early stages of the crop and throughout the cycle.
  • Wines and olive trees: 600 g – 1 kg per acre. Make 2-4 applications. Apply after planting, during the early stages of the crop and throughout the cycle.
  • Strawberries: 800 g – 1.6 kg per acre. Make 4-6 applications after planting, during the early stages of the crop and throughout the cycle. Incorporation in substrates-nurseries: Spray into the soil/substrate at 0.3-0.6% when preparing the substrate.